From the Earth we were created and to the Earth
we shall return
Yet we treat her with harsh and blatant disregard
So blinded by our own selfish pursuits we never relish the
beauty that is here
All that she’s given, all that we’ve taken the lack of
respect for her sacrifice
We’re at war with our creator
The overall theme of your blog blends very well together. Even at first glance I immediately can establish a sense of place, although I’m not sure of the specific location, the feeling of being out in the open and in a natural environment comes across very strongly. I like how you kept the font and background colors very light and airy like the environment. The white background is good behind the image because it helps it stand out, but the space of white is so large it takes away from the ambience created by your background. I think if you outlined only the image in white or made the white space slightly smaller it would help to enhance the natural setting you have created even more and help you’re posts and the rest of your blog blend together more. The title of your post is very creative and helps the reader establish the point you are trying to make, that nature is at war with society. This idea is reiterated at the end of your prose, “we’re at war with our creator”. This statement is incredibly strong and it leaves the reader wanting more. I want more insight into this war and the effects it is having on nature and humanity. This creates a great springboard for you to continue off of in future posts. After reading your prose I got much stronger emotion than I was expecting from the peaceful scene created by the background, image, and color theme of your blog. On one hand I like how your short text is able to raise a much stronger issue than I was expecting but I also think it could be interesting if you added some images that completely contradict the natural setting in the background. Doing this could evoke even more emotion in the reader and provide physical examples of the effects of this “war”. In future posts I think it would be very easy for you to show the tension between nature and society through images because the scene you have established is already so strong.